Hi, I’m Nikki!
I used to get angry at reading others ‘transformations’. I couldn’t find it in myself to be happy for them.
I was so STUCK. But. This NLP therapy changed my life and now I’m the cheerleader of my life and others…
Join me for a powerful conversation that creates change…
I used to think, ‘I just have to put up with…cope…with what I’m going through.’
I could barely sweep my kitchen floor. I was desperate for relief.
I’d describe it as ‘stuck and feeling yuck.’ Hopelessness pit and desperate pit.
Anxiety. Depression. Controlling behaviour towards those around me. Battling with alcohol dependence & destructive behaviours. Stuck in a loop thinking about broken relationships and overly concerned with what others thought of me.
All whilst being a reluctant parent to three children.
The worst part was knowing I wanted change but not knowing how to get it or what it would take for me to feel different.
Stuck and yuck!
I had tried medication and had already had counselling. What options were left?
Once I felt the difference. Saw the change in myself. Experienced the power of NLP therapy, I had to learn it to help others.
From being an anxious, stress filled Mum with controlling behaviour -
to calmer, emotionally mature parenting and a more compassionate, listening partner.
From pleasure-seeking destructive escapism - to now holding and valuing my self-care needs.
From looping the broken relationships of my past - to gracious acceptance and calmness.
From excessively caring what others thought, to the point of experiencing physical pain in my body - to loving my own journey and releasing the need to gain other human’s approval.
From having many patterns of self-sabotage and self-doubt - to confidence and achievement.
Like a bird in a cage, with an open door, I gained the support to take the leap, spread my wings and fly.
The ripple effects are spreading far and wide
…as I am supporting and guiding others in all areas of life – mental health, emotional-wellbeing, physical issues and find actual change!
All that’s required is committing to change. Knowing that you want something better for yourself.
When you decide you are worth more than living with the ‘feelings/thoughts/symptoms’ you’ve gotten used to then reach out to me.